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Mid-Career Coaching

 Why coaching?

  • Coaching is about raising awareness, breaking habits, facilitating not telling, helping people to reach conclusions which are right for them rather than telling them what to do.
  • It’s extremely complementary to mentoring and is often the second stage after people have gone through mentoring and are now dealing with trying to make all the strategic moves that the mentor has suggested.
  • Mentoring focuses on sharing personal experiences, things that have worked for the mentor, while coaching focuses on the barriers to action, confidence, strengths and how they can be used, and what’s holding people back. 


About the coach – Emma Duke

Whether you’re working in-house or within an agency, you’ve worked hard to get where you are and are likely starting to consider bigger questions about what you want from life. As a certified Business & Life Coach, Emma Duke will ask the questions and provide the space for you to do that thinking about what you really want and put plans in place to create growth and opportunity – whatever that looks like.

Emma delivers tailored coaching programmes for mid-career professionals, designed to support you as you navigate issues such as balancing career and family life, career progression, succeeding in challenging environments and exploring your values and purpose. This will involve using tools and techniques for you to use, both within the Coaching sessions and then take with you to keep exploring and reflecting once they’ve finished.

Emma maintains a non-judgemental, trusting space for you to explore what is important to you and how to establish the foundations of a happy and fulfilling life for yourself. Emma is a member of the International Coaching Federation a Chartered PR Fellow and Board Director, so brings years of business, organisation and life experience.

Emma has particular expertise in working with clients to:

·       Build confidence

·       Address overwhelm, people pleasing and imposter syndrome

·       Manage expectations and create boundaries

·       Own your success

·       Working with challenging people and environments

If you are interested in discussing a potential coaching programme with Emma, please contact Souha Khairallah, Talent and Professional Development Director, PRCA at 

 Endorsements of Emma’s Coaching:

"Through coaching with Emma, I've uncovered the power of reflective practice. Previously, I hadn't purposefully considered the moments that brought me fulfilment. This new approach has allowed me to pinpoint the elements that contribute to my sense of achievement and satisfaction providing a blueprint for what I should strive for in my future endeavour"

"Emma is extremely personable and is quickly able to help you identify your areas of focus. She uses creative exercise techniques as well as lots of time to talk about these - the time passed really quickly for me. I was then able to go away and put the solutions Emma helped me find into real life practice."

"Emma listens to truly understand which is a rare and beautiful quality. To me personally, she has been incredibly generous with her time and skills, she has sat with me to explore potential ideas and brought in her own thoughts and expertise. She is a wonderfully warm, kind, generous and creative person who it is an absolute pleasure to feel supported by."