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International Membership

 For more information on International Membership contact: 

Melissa Cannon       


T: +44 (0) 7787 849 331


PRCA International Membership for PR & Communications Consultancies and In-House Teams

Join the PRCA, and become part of the world’s largest network of public relations and communications professionals.

The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) is the world’s largest professional PR body. Operating in 82 countries and representing more than 35,000 practitioners. Our teams from across Europe, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific work with professionals around the world to co-ordinate our operations across six continents. We also manage ICCO, the umbrella body for 41 PR associations and 3,000 agencies around the world. We share industry best practice and promote all aspects of public relations and communications work around the globe.

All PRCA members are bound by a professional charter and codes of conduct to demonstrate that they work professionally, efficiently, and to the highest ethical standards.

What PRCA International Membership offers:

Global recognition and credibility 

  • Become part of the largest professional body in the world for PR and Communications practitioners, raising your profile, enhancing your credibility, and developing your global network.
  • By joining the PRCA you automatically become a member of ICCO with access to all of its services.
  • Being bound by the PRCA Code of Conduct is the clearest possible demonstration of a commitment to ethical practice.
  • Your consultancy can achieve the independently-audited Communications Management Standard (CMS) – the benchmark of PR excellence, and adopted as such in 17 international markets.

Resources to grow your business

  • Automatic and free access to both the ICCO and the PRCA thought leadership libraries -the world’s largest resource centres of content and insight for our industry. 

Outstanding professional development resources

  • Discounted access to the PRCA’s live and interactive webinars, delivered by industry experts; plus access to the PRCA’s online library of courses, downloaded at any point throughout the year.
  • With now over 100 online, virtual courses on offer, there is a PRCA training course to help your team develop – whatever the stage of their career.
  • All our courses have a practical focus, meaning the skills, techniques and best practice covered in our training can be used with immediate effect upon returning to work. This means that we deliver content rich, cutting edge and relevant learning experiences which deliver benefit for both the organisation and the individual.

A global network to grow your business

  • Create an affiliate network via ICCO’s 3,000 agency members, and build new partner relationships to maximise the value you can deliver to clients.
  • Be included in ICCO’s Agency Finder portal, and in the PRCA’s client-consultancy matching service, offering the opportunity to win new business in 82 countries.

Insight to keep you on top of industry trends

  • Receive the latest market intelligence and industry data straight to your inbox twice a month via the PRCA global newsletter.
  • Unlock access to more than 100 webinars and best practice guides via the ICCO resource library.
  • Be first to access the PRCA’s global reports sharing communications data and intelligence from across the UK, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, North America and Asia Pacific.

Access to an unparalleled range of events around the world

  • All of our global events are now available virtually. Join the thousands of PRCA members accessing high-level PR events and networking opportunities with colleagues around the world.
  • Our borderless events programme grants you access to more than twenty conferences a year, and offers you the opportunity to grow your contacts and build your international profile. 
  • From Richard Edelman to WPP’s Mark Read, our global events speakers operate at the forefront of PR, Media and Marketing insight – you’ll gain insight from our events that sets you apart from your competitors.
  • Access ICCO’s annual Global Summit and its annual events on each continent.
  • Enter the PRCA and ICCO Regional and Global awards programmes, showcasing your agency’s best work.
  • Access the PRCA’s upcoming senior events series featuring exclusive discussions with global business leaders sharing their views on communications and marketing.


To become a PRCA International member, or if you have any questions please contact Melissa via email at or by telephone on +44 7787 849331.