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PR Consultancy Benchmarking

To find out more about the insights that are available from the PRCA, contact Neha Khatwani

The PRCA Consultancy Benchmarking is the most comprehensive source of KPIs for PR and communications consultancies in the UK, helping consultancies see how other PR and communications organisations are adapting and to understand what lessons can be learned. The report, sponsored by Kingston SmithW1, provides an exhaustive list of key performance indicators covering everything from industry drivers and new business performance to a range of Financial and HR KPIs from profit margins and income growth through to churn, redundancy and salary rates.

The Consultancy Benchmarking 2016 revealed:

The estimated income of PRCA consultancies that took part in the Consultancy Benchmarking 2015 is at £390m. 

We have seen strong growth in consumer/celebrity, B2B and corporate business.

Small consultancies and very large consultancies saw very strong average income growth.

Over-servicing rates were below 20%. 

Staff retention continued to be a priority for all paricipants, with agencies offering more training and development opportunities as a staff retention strategy. 

To find out more, and to order a copy of the Consultancy Benchmarking, go to Resources.