Our latest work on gender pay gaps in the PR and communications industry is the PRCA Communicating the Gender Pay Gap report, which aims to encourage meaningful, detailed disclosure of gender pay gaps (regardless of whether or not an organisation meets the statutory threshold for mandatory reporting).
Over 2018, the PRCA will be engaging the industry to encourage voluntary disclosure: this will involve naming and praising members, sharing insight from organisations that have already gone through the process, and building on this grassroots support for clear action.
The dedicated Releasd page for the campaign is here.
2015: research and consultation response
Our work on the gender pay gap was prompted by David Cameron’s decision to ensure that firms with more than 250 employees were disclosing data on the gender pay gap to their staff. We launched a joint survey with PRWeek and Women in PR in August 2015 to gage the industry’s views on voluntary disclosure. The industry overwhelmingly agreed that the publication of gender pay gap information would encourage employers to take positive action on the issue. Moreover, nearly 80% said that the industry should voluntarily adopt a lower limit than the 250 employee limited proposed by the Government. To read PRWeek’s analysis of the survey results, please click here.
We also submitted a joint consultation to Government Equalities Office in September 2015 (PRCA, PRWeek and Women in PR response to "Closing the Gender Pay Gap" consultation) and a later response to the Scottish Parliament's inquiry (PRCA response to the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Gender Pay Gap Inquiry).
2016: Gender Pay Gap Report and CMS inclusion
In September 2016, we made a commitment to include gender pay gap reporting in the Communications Management Standard, the hallmark of PR and communications excellence. Alongside this, we also made a commitment to publish our own gender pay gap and guide members on how they could report their own gender pay gap (Gender Pay Gap Report 2016).
2017: Gender Pay Gap Report update and launch of the reporting period
The original PRCA Gender Pay Gap Report was also updated to mark the beginning of the mandatory reporting period and to include a detailed question and answer on reporting and the legislation and the key changes to the CMS audit (PRCA Gender Pay Gap Report updated for mandatory gender pay gap reporting - 6th April, 2017).
2018: Communication the Gender Pay Gap Report
The comprehensive publication is designed to act as a guide for organisations looking to build on the gender pay gap exercise, voluntarily disclose their own figures in a meaningful way, and understand areas of expansion and development. The PRCA believes that the PR and communications industry should lead when it comes to disclosure, whether or not legislation requires them to do so (PRCA Communicating the Gender Pay Gap report). The report focuses on three key areas: policies and feedback measures; representative measures; and pay and benefits. Best practice recommendations include producing and sharing impact equality assessments for policies relating to gender, providing gender pay gap figures for different ONS occupational groups, disclosing the gender breakdown and gender pay gaps for each pay quartile, redrawing quartiles to take into account the total remuneration of employees, and publishing the proportion of men and women who received a bonus in conjunction with the median and mean bonus gender pay gaps.
Alongside this new report, the PRCA will name and praise all members that disclose their gender pay gaps, engage with (and share insight from) organisations that have already gone through the process, and ultimately build on this grassroots support.