NCSC Certified Cyber Security Awareness for PR and Comms in a Global Context
Course aim
Cyber Security can be a global business enabler or risk. As we increasingly digitise and work flexibly in a dynamic and unpredictable world, it is essential organisations and individuals build Cyber Security capability and resilience. The threats are increasing exponentially as can be seen in repeated real-world consequences of cyber attacks or breaches, adversely impacting reputation, financial viability and customers/stakeholders.
PR and Comms professionals are key roles in mitigating cyber risks. It is essential therefore, that they build their own knowledge and capability – to provide sound, credible and timely advice; engage others in delivering key messaging to foster a positive Cyber Security culture; and to provide critical support during a crisis.
This comprehensive, engaging and interactive half day Cyber Security course will provide you with essential knowledge and best practice to mitigate risks in an increasingly digitised and remote working/hybrid environment. You will learn about the latest threats, including ransomware, phishing and social engineering, as well as key actions to take to build cyber resilience.
Who should attend?
All interested in mitigating Cyber risks for self, organisation and clients.
Course objectives
Participation in the course will provide you with:
- An understanding of the importance of Cyber Security, with a focus for PR and Comms;
- Overview of the global Cyber landscape and threats, including the current environment and trends - with relevant context to support PR and Comms professionals;
- A focus on social engineering, phishing, ransomware, the insider threat, email hacking and vulnerabilities in new ways of working, with top tips to safeguard yourself and your/clients business and information;
- Knowledge of key legislation and your obligations; and the impact of non-compliance including financial, operational and reputational consequences;
- An understanding of a holistic approach, encompassing people, processes, policy and processes to mitigate risks – both personal and professional;
- Key areas to consider when managing incidents;
- Real-life scenarios and case studies to consolidate learning;
- An opportunity ask questions in a safe form and know where to go for further support.
To book, visit or contact
NCSC Certified Cyber Security and Hybrid Working elearning
The challenge for us all to safeguard against Cyber attacks and scams and prevent data breaches has increased sharply as remote working introduces greater Cyber exposures. It is essential for organisations and individuals to address these vulnerabilities by adopting best practices in the hybrid working environment. Cyber Security training is critical to support this.
Templar Executives’ NCSC Certified ‘Cyber Security and Hybrid Working’ course raises awareness of the bespoke threats associated with hybrid working, so individuals and organisations can protect themselves and work effectively in this ‘new norm’. This engaging and interactive e-Learning course includes audio, video and real-life scenarios. It has been designed to be completed within 40 minutes, enabling an optimal learning.
Topics include: What is Cyber Security? Threats and risks including phishing, social engineering, ransomware; managing breaches; and best practices including working safely in a hybrid environment, passwords, video conferencing and social media.
For further information and access to the course demo visit:
To register for the course email: