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Strengths-Based Leadership


 This programme helps senior team members and aspiring leaders understand how to excel in their role, choose a specialisation and increase their contribution to the business as part of a high-performing leadership team, based on their individual strengths as identified by Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment.


What is the Gallup Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment?

 Developed from Gallup’s 40+ years of research into what makes people successful at work, StrengthsFinder helps individuals clearly identify their top five strengths so that they can consciously target and deploy their talents for personal and organisational benefit.


Why focus on strengths?

 When individuals focus on their natural strengths, success follows. It's a simple premise but one that's often overlooked in the quest to fill the gap on weaknesses. People who focus on their strengths every day are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs. They are also more productive, both individually and in teams. It’s an under-utilised strategy that maximises engagement, profitability and retention.   


How the programme works

 The programme combines individual 1:1 coaching sessions for each senior team member, and a group workshop with the full senior team.


1:1 coaching - The natural talents of each senior team member are identified and then mapped to their specific role and career path in a 1:1 coaching session. Based on their strengths, opportunities and next steps are agreed with the individual and employer to maximise and deploy their talents for enhanced engagement and performance.


Team workshop - To strengthen the senior team’s delivery as a group, the team’s strengths are mapped together, shared and analysed in a half day workshop to promote understanding and agree areas of individual and joint ownership for improved engagement and team-wide performance.


How participants will benefit

·        Get clarity on their individual strengths, using the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment

·        Identify how to excel in their role based on their individual strengths

·        Map their long-term career path by choosing and owning a specialisation based on their strengths

·        Understand and utilise the strengths of other senior colleagues for enhanced team performance


Who should attend

·        Agency: Senior Account Manager and above

·        In-house: PR Manager and above