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Apprentice Testimonials

Where to Find Us

7-8 Stratford Place

The apprenticeship has given me a range of opportunities and experiences which I never would have been offered had I gone onto university. It has boosted my self-confidence and has provided me with the professional skills needed for a successful career in PR.

Emma Sisson, Past PR Apprentice (2015), Liz Male Consulting

I can honestly say that it was by far the best year of my life so far... each and every day brought a new and exciting challenge. If you’re like me and are unsure of university, I would ask yourself whether you will definitely need a degree in the future. If the answer is no, an apprenticeship is a fantastic alternative where you can get the experience that most employers these days are looking for as well as a qualification.

Laura Wilson, Past PR Apprentice (2015), Cambridgeshire Constabulary

All the trainers of the PRCA do such an excellent job, and I am convinced that I wouldn’t know half the things I know now without their teachings. So, thank you PRCA for incredible learning resources and thank you Templemere for taking me as your apprentice.

Anais Belloul, Past PR Apprentice (2016), Templemere PR

I’m sure everyone says it, but the great thing about an apprenticeship is that you’re learning on the job - you get so much experience and you don’t end up with tens of thousands of pounds of debt that comes with a degree. So what would I say to anyone thinking about applying? Do it. Seriously, right now, stop reading, go and write that application!

Elizabeth Kennedy, Past PR Apprentice (2016), Department for Work and Pensions

I knew I didn’t want to go to university, so looked for apprenticeship opportunities – I didn’t want to study anymore, I just wanted to kick-start my career!
Having previously been quite shy, my apprenticeship has been the perfect stepping stone between school life and work life, and I’ve gained so much real life experience in a professional environment that I never could have got from attending university.

Beverley Southern, Past PR Apprentice (2015), Quantum PR
