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The PRCA Blog presents the leading insight articles for the PR and communications industry.

Roger Hayes - A class PR professional

Robert Minton-Taylor

, Visiting fellow, Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University

PR & Digital Marketing Solutions Within Tourism Sector

Frank Marr CMPRCA, Managing Director & Co-founder at A Marr + Associates PR & Marketing AM+A Marketing & Media Relations

Three ways PR & comms staff can help the fight against COVID-19

Simon Francis CMPRCA, Founder Member of social enterprise Campaign Collective and Chair of the PRCA Council Campaign Collective

Connecting the disconnected

Cheryl King, markettiers

How to take your interviews online

Hazel Mason

, Recruitment Division, Haymarket Media Group PRWeek Jobs

How to use Reddit to inform a PR campaign

Katie Chodosh, TopLine Comms

, Communications Consultant

Health, equality, openness: three challenges for APAC PR

Ishtar Schneider, Account Director in Edelman London's global health team Edelman
