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Building an Internal Communications Campaign that Works


14 Aug 2024







How attendees will benefit

This webinar is designed for beginner-to-intermediate communicators. It will give you the knowledge and confidence to develop a low-cost, effective internal communications and engagement campaign

Event Type: Webinar

Places available: 50

Places remaining: 33

Trainer: Liam Fitzpatrick CMPRCA

Image of trainer
Ticket Type Non Member Price (excl VAT) Member Price (excl VAT)
Non-Members Ticket for Webinar Training : Building an Internal Communications Campaign that Works £210.00 £175.00 Login or register to book

Event Overview

What attendees will learn:

The webinar will overview the key components required to design a campaign, focusing on insight, setting SMART objectives, audience segmentation and evaluation.

To bring this to life, the webinar will overview a campaign planning template and refer to a range of recent award-winning campaigns to discover what works well and why.

Following the webinar, you will be sent:

  • Webinar slides
  • Templates
  • Copies of case studies
  • Relevant reports and guidance
  • Have opportunity for follow up conversations with trainer about specific campaign challenges