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PRCA DARE 2024 South West B2B Marketing Award - Grounds of Innovation by Speed Communications

Amazing things happen in coffee shops. They just do. BRITA’s Grounds of Innovation campaign helped to showcase these game-changing ideas with the launch of the first ever alternative blue plaques for creativity in coffee shops 

In partnership with well-known coffee shop creatives and founders of Saint Aymes, Lois and Michela Wilson, BRITA Professional revealed the perfect formula for creativity.This was backed with consumer research showcasing that coffee shops make us feel more creative. 

The Speed team then took it nationwide with a competition to find the UK’s Top Ten most creative coffee shops. This was supported by hard working media relations to get the conversation going in press and influencer partnerships to create social buzz. 

This integrated campaign took a three-phase social activation strategy, including storytelling with engaging historical imagery, a carousel format showcasing campaign stats, and a dedicated paid strategy to amplify key moments.  

With praise from the client internally and clear industry support on social media, the campaign was a success in driving brand awareness for BRITA Professional and its new product. At a time when hot beverages businesses were struggling with rising costs and smaller margins, the campaign was a positive force for good, and the winners were unanimously thrilled to be involved. 

As a result of a successful first year, the campaign has been recommissioned for a second year.