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Member Directory

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7-8 Stratford Place

The PRCA represents the interests of consultancy members, in-house teams, partner universities, and individuals. Following is our directory of corporate members.

Displaying 51 - 100 of 568 Member Directory
Name Organisation Type Membership Region
BAT In House In-House, PRCA MENA, PRCA SEA, LATAM, PRCA Global London
BBC In House In-House London
BCP Council In House , In-House South West
BCW Agency Agency, Public Affairs Board London
BeInfluencers LTD LATAM LATAM London, South America
Best Communications International Agency International Agency, International Agency Other
Betfair In House In-House London
Beyond 2050 Agency Agency London
Black Vanilla Agency Agency Channel Islands
Blackburn and Darwen Council In House In-House, North West
BlackHouse Media UK, also known as BHM Qomms Agency, PRCA Africa Agency, PRCA Africa London, Scotland
Blue Totem Communications SEA International Agency, PRCA SEA PRCA SEA SEA
Bolt In House In-House, Public Affairs Board London
Borkowski Ltd Agency Agency London
BOSE Communications International Agency International Agency Asia
Bournemouth University Partner University Partner University South West
BPG Orange International Agency PRCA MENA MENA
Brandigo International Agency, PRCA SEA International Agency SEA, Asia
Brands2Life Agency Agency, Public Affairs Board London
Brevia Public Affairs Board Public Affairs Board London
British Business Bank In House In-House London
British Library In House In-House London, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire & North East
Broadcast Revolution Agency Agency London
Brunel University Partner University Partner University London
BT (British Telecom) In House In-House London
Bubble Agency Agency Agency London
Buckinghamshire Council In House In-House South East & East Anglia
BWP Group Agency Agency South East & East Anglia
Byfield Consultancy Agency Agency London
C8 Consulting Agency Agency South East & East Anglia
Cadno Communications Agency Public Affairs Board Wales
Cambridgeshire Constabulary Public Sector In House In-House South East & East Anglia
Camlas Agency Public Affairs Board Wales
Campaign Collective Agency Agency, Public Affairs Board London, North West, Wales, Midlands, South East & East Anglia, South West, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire & North East, Scotland, Europe
Canary Wharf Group plc In House In-House London
Cannon PR Agency Agency Yorkshire, Lincolnshire & North East
Cape Town Tourism In House PRCA Africa Africa
CARMA In House In-House London