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PRCA DARE 2024 South West Employee Engagement Award - Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice Prison Resourcing Internal Communications Team has been awarded the Employee Engagement Award for the South West, in recognition of its efforts in enhancing staff engagement across prisons in that region 

The team’s mission involves strategic support and upskilling of internal communications within prisons, targeting areas crucial for retaining prison officers and officer support grades (OSGs). Through early engagement with governors and senior leaders, the team identified key issues causing staff turnover, such as lack of career progression, health and wellbeing, and leadership. 

In response, the team implemented a comprehensive 2023-24 plan aimed at addressing these communication gaps. They revamped newsletters, enhanced leader communication, revitalised display spaces, and transformed routine meetings into engaging events. They also introduced bespoke tools for communication expertise within prisons and provided extensive training to build confidence and proficiency among leaders. 

Recognising the unique challenges of a technology-limited environment, the team introduced practical solutions like printed newsletters and leveraged existing channels to foster better engagement.  

The team’s innovative approach, tailored to the specific needs of each prison, has not only improved overall staff engagement but has helped start to form a robust Prison Communicator Network to sustain these advancements. The award underscores the team’s vital role in transforming prison communications and enhancing the workplace culture for prison staff.