Currently, in the sixth form years of my life, I am getting ready to enter the real world very soon. Therefore, I was given the opportunity by my school to endure in a weeks’ worth of work experience. I am very interested in the events management sector, hence I was excited to attend work experience at the PRCA. The PRCA focuses on all aspects of public relations and internal communications work, as well as being involved with events. My experience at the PRCA has been incredible, and a real eye opener into the world of work. I study business as one of my A-levels, and as a result it has helped me to become more aware about the events sector, as well as how businesses and companies work.
My school has been very helpful in preparing me to enter the next stages of my life. I’ve had many seminars on where to go after full time education, as well as gaining more insight into life at work. By going to school I have been able to stick to a strong structure for my day, which has enabled me to stick to deadlines, and be prepared for any tasks. Consequently I have gained many skills needed to work in an office, like the one I am in.
Always going somewhere new is nerve wracking, but once I entered the PRCA, I was greeted by some of the colleagues, and was put straight at ease. They were so lovely. They introduced me to everyone, gave me a tour of the office, as well as showed me where I would work, and even gave me my own laptop all set up and everything. I felt very professional!
I was given the amazing opportunity by the PRCA to attend their annual summer event, which was on a boat! This event was a fantastic chance to get to know other people working in the PR sector and learn about what they do. I met so many different people and was amazed at how many different jobs you can get from working in PR! I helped set up the event, by putting up some decorations and making sure everything was ready for the 150 or so guests on board. It enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of how to host an event as well as how to create and set it up.
My week at the PRCA has been a wonderful experience, with new skills learnt and a wonderful understanding of the world of work, I am truly grateful to have had this eye opening opportunity.