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Managing Performance to Improve Productivity


14 Sep 2023




Virtual Classroom



Been there, done that, got the t-shirt! You know all the theory of managing people, but it still feels like walking a tightrope every day – getting the balance right between motivating your team to get on with their jobs unaided, without then having to step in to pick up the pieces.
And how do you ensure you get the best out of people, yet still find time to get on with your own work?

Event Type: Classroom

Address: Virtual Classroom, Virtual Classroom

Places available: 8

Places remaining: 1

Trainer: Alison O'Leary

Image of trainer

Event Overview

How will delegates benefit
Through a highly interactive workshop using real examples, you will learn how to address the most common performance management challenges, giving you the confidence to address poor performance before it gets out of hand, develop new strategies for stretching your talent, and build high performing teams.

Who should attend?
This course is a step up from our Introduction to Management course, and is aimed at account managers and directors looking to develop their line and team management skills.

What the workshop will cover

  • Developing a coaching approach – how and why it works
  • Growing people by moving them out of their comfort zone
  • Tackling poor performance to improve results
  • Addressing conflict to achieve a win win
  • Building high performing teams
  • Keeping people on side through change
  • Setting my next steps action plan

What materials will attendees receive?
Course notes, a personal profiling report and offer of a follow-up telephone coaching session a month after the workshop

What should attendees bring along?
Please bring a laptop to this workshop.