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PR Agency Finances for Account Managers


10 Jul 2025







This webinar provides client-facing team-leaders with an understanding of the financial machinery of public relations and public affairs consultancies.

It explains how income in its various forms must cover HR costs and OPEX in order to maintain positive cash-flow. It describes in detail the elements which make up HR and OPEX, and explains accountancy terminology.

Event Type: Webinar

Places available: 50

Places remaining: 50

Trainer: Adrian Wheeler FPRCA

Image of trainer
Ticket Type Non Member Price (excl VAT) Member Price (excl VAT)
Non-member Ticket for Webinar Training : PR Agency Finances for Account Managers £210.00 £175.00 Login or register to book

Event Overview

The workshop suggests how team-leaders can make a contribution to their agency’s finances by keeping a close check on over-servicing and negotiating more effectively with clients whose demands exceed their service allocation.

Who it’s for: account managers and other team-leaders who do not have a background in finance or accountancy.

What they will learn: they will become more familiar with the basics of agency finances and able to play a more effective part in managing their team’s contribution to the agency’s P&L.

The presenter was CEO of a small UK agency, a large UK agency and a European agency network. He has been a PRCA Trainer for ten years.