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Pimento Events: Pimento Business Development Club: How to Win the Re-Pitch


11 Sep 2024







Wednesday 11th September, 11am-12pm
Location: Zoom (online)

Event Type: Industry Event

Event Overview

Pimento Business Development Club: How to Win the Re-Pitch

It’s the type of pitch we all dread – the re-pitch. Sometimes, you will be in the lucky position of having a great ongoing relationship with seemingly little to fear. But the truth is, even if you have a stellar track record, once your client is in front of other agencies promising the world, your chances of winning can quickly reduce. More than likely your relationship will have had the typical ups and downs of any agency-client relationship. Those downs will certainly reduce your chances of winning, especially when you are up against a group of agencies with seemingly untarnished reputations. Having faced countless re-pitches and won, that life-long learning will be distilled by The Great Pitch Company and shared, so you too can stack the odds in your favour and win. 

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