Agency: Storm Communications Ltd
The Challenge
Benenden is a major player in cost effective health policies. It grew out of being the leading mutual provider of health policies in the public sector, and expanded its offering to consumer audiences. But awareness of its brand doesn't match its size, and understanding of the benefits of mutuals is low. It needed tactics to generate brand awareness and understanding of mutuals, and associate the brand with health issues.
The Solution
Storm created an annual report that gauges the state of the nation’s health and marks Benenden as a leading authority on the nation’s health and wellbeing. We surveyed 4,000 people on a number of health indicators, such as BMI, sleep patterns, exercise regime, cigarettes smoked, right down to the number of glasses of water they drank per day in order to find the nation’s Mr. and Mrs. Average (in terms of health).The next year Storm asked a further 4,000 people to figure out how much the public understand about the cost of procedures on the NHS. The research found that people have no idea how much procedures cost and, frankly, don’t care!
In 2016 the survey explored the public’s attitude and approach to their health, including their knowledge of the effects of food and drink on the body. The key findings showed that a worrying number of young people suffer from ‘drunkorexia’, where they substitute food with alcohol to reduce calorie intake.
Storm conceived, designed and wrote the National Health Reports and created eye-catching infographics which distilled the data into visuals for media. Storm then sold in the National Health Report to the national, broadcast and online UK media.
The Results
In year one, 2014 90 pieces of coverage including a three page spread in The Sun and a piece on the Mail Online that drew over 1,000,000 clicks to the Benenden website.
In year two, 2015 231 pieces of coverage including a 15 minute segment on BBC Radio 5 Live and blanket national coverage.
And in year three 2016 91 pieces of coverage, including features on Victoria Derbyshire, Talk Radio and London Live, as well as 10 articles in national newspapers.