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Little Stories, Big Difference


In an age where consumers are finding it hard to trust big corporations, Sainsbury’s wanted to demonstrate commitment to its values in a fun, approachable way.


Thursday, November 16, 2017


The Challenge

Our challenge: to showcase how employees live and breathe the company’s ethos, and build a relationship with their customers. 

The Solution

As part of our Little Stories campaign, we created and directed 42 short films with Sainsbury’s employees as the stars, centred around how they embody the business values day-to-day.

An integral part of Sainsbury’s 20x20 Corporate Responsibility, these short films demonstrated how five corporate values are at the heart of the business. Every story captivated hearts – along with clicks, likes and shares on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. We created a Little Stories, Big Difference hub housed on the corporate website, where everyone could watch their colleagues play a starring role.

The success of the Little Stories campaign led to Sainsbury’s commissioning us to create new ‘Corporate Responsibility Walls’, large format in-store advertising telling values stories direct to consumers for the first time. A successful trial with direct input from CEO, Mike Coupe, led to a rollout of the new advertising walls across the Sainsbury’s estate. 

The Results

+100, 000 video views

- 1.5 million Nectar card holders reached

- 161, 000 colleagues trained on sustainability plan

- 70 Sainsbury's colleagues starred in 42 films